Education and the School System are like Water and Oil

What drives our vision?

Exploring Worldly Possibilities
Tangible experience

This phase is about discovering your unique path and molding your aspirations. By exploring various possibilities, embracing experimentation, and moving through trial and error, consistently making choices amidst uncertainties allows one to chart their journey

Education's initial journey is one of sensory refinement, personality development, and profound self-awareness. This phase underscores the importance of nurturing the body, cultivating the mind, and fostering healthy interactions with our surroundings

Given the foundational principles of the traditional schooling system, it's clear that much of its design isn't in the best interests of students. From limiting physical movement to the absence of genuine decision-making; from shallow curriculums to inflexible teaching methods; the burdens of incessant testing, an ingrained sense of conformity, and ceaseless disruptions — all leading to a profound disconnect from the real world. This system, originally crafted more for producing compliant workers than well-rounded individuals, does little to nurture essential life skills, foster genuine understanding, or ignite proactive initiative.

We believe it's high time we free our youth from this outdated, assembly-line approach to education.

It is possible to aim for and achieve much greater things.

The shift begins by empowering students with personal responsibility and fostering active engagement in their educational journey. This transformation is amplified when students are immersed in a thriving community where mentors and peers collaborate, share wisdom, and champion collective growth. By creating such an enriching environment, we pave the way for students to take meaningful actions in the broader world. Within this framework, personal growth isn't linear—it spirals, expanding across multiple dimensions as maturity unfolds.


Transitioning from theoretical understanding to actionable insights, this phase pushes one to generate authentic value. Here, "learning by doing" isn't just a phrase—it's a practice. Engaging with peers, tackling real-world challenges and refining one's abilities, we're positioned to make a meaningful impact in our community.

Our team


With a background in business finance and having grown up in a developing community with limited access to basic educational supplies, David builds relationships with our key investors and partners.


With a masters degree in Early Childhood Education, as well as strong ties to some of our most important communities, Natacha is influential in shaping our education policies, proposals, and fundraising rounds.

If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there

– Lewis Carroll